PHEO No. 2021-018 School Reopening Update
  • Strongly encourage social distancing
  • Hybrid learning is encouraged
  • Limit gatherings to 15 or fewer for non-classroom instruction events such as back-to-school orientations and other community gatherings
  • Virtual learning is encouraged for those age 12 years and younger
  • Require students, staff and visitors to stay home if they are sick
  • Report all exposures using the HCOC portal at, and notify the nearest local health facility

The Navajo Nation is currently in Orange status. The increase in COVID-19 cases led to new public health emergency orders. Three Public Health Emergency Orders (PHEO) 2021-017, 2021-018, and 2021-019, were issued on August 12, 2021. These public health orders can help decrease the spread of COVID-19 and contagious multiple variants.